Paweł Caputa is a faculty member at Stockholm University. Since 2024 he is also a visiting associate professor at the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics in Kyoto, Japan. Before, he was the It from Qubit fellow and research assistant professor at YITP, Kyoto. He received his Ph.D. from the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen in 2011 and was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, and the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics in Stockholm, Sweden, bridged by the short-term Japan Society for the Promotion of Science fellowship in Kyoto. He has worked on integrability, 1/N corrections and tests of the AdS/CFT correspondence. His recent work focuses on entanglement dynamics and complexity in quantum field theories, emergent geometry from entanglement, quantum gravity and AdS/CFT.

Meet our team of international researchers with various scientific backgrounds. Our interests span from quantum information in quantum field theories, computational complexity and AdS/CFT correspondence to running, high jumping and break dance.
Sinong Liu, Ph.D.
Post-DocThis is Sinong, a postdoc in QIQG group at the University of Warsaw. During the past ten years I was all the way north. Leaving from my hometown Fuzhou I went to Fudan University in Shanghai for my undergraduate education, then I became the student of Professor Sumit R. Das and was conferred a Ph.D degree at University of Kentucky in USA, and finally I am in Warsaw. Looking back at the past years, my researches consist of a bit of non-equilibrium physics associated with quantum quench, a bit of tensor network as a means of understanding AdS/CFT correspondence, and a bit of applications of quantum entanglement and complexity. I am still interested with all those topics, and I am still curious about more.
Bowen Chen, Ph.D.
Post-DocBowen Chen is a postdoc in the QIQG group at the University of Warsaw. Before coming here, he spent ten years at Tsinghua University, first in the Department of Physics (B.Sc.) and then at the Institute for Advanced Study (Ph.D.), supervised by Professor Bartek Czech. Bowen’s research concerns how information changes our understanding of fundamental physics. Holography provides a natural playground for him to demystify the structure of bulk spacetime via boundary quantum information concepts. Currently, Bowen is interested in understanding the entanglement and complexity patterns in quantum field theories and quantum gravity, with the aid of modular theory and graph theory. He also works on the gauge theory formalism of measurement-based quantum computation.
Dimitrios Patramanis, M.Sc.
Graduate StudentDimitrios started his academic career in the field of chemistry where he received Bachelor’s degree. However, it was not long before he realized that his true interests lied in theoretical physics which was broadly the topic
of his Master’s level studies. More specifically, Dimitrios is fascinated by inquiries about the microscopic constituents of our universe and how those can give birth to the large scale structures that we observe. Currently, Dimitrios research focuses on aspects of holography and in particular the AdS/CFT correspondence. These serve as tools for the construction of toy models that can help us reconcile Einstein’s general relativity and quantum field theory in a controlled setting while also opening a path leading to a full-fledged theory of quantum gravity suitable for describing our universe. Moreover, Dimitrios is also very interested in science communication and popularization.
Jan Boruch, M.Sc.
Graduate StudentMy main area of research is the AdS/CFT correspondence. In particular, I am interested in questions which might lead us to better understanding of quantum aspects of gravity. One of the prominent approaches heavily developed in recent years goes under the title “spacetime emergence from entanglement”. In this approach we try to investigate whether one can think of spacetime as an effective description of the complicated entanglement patterns of the strongly coupled dual field theory. Part of my research focuses on studying path integral optimization approach to holography, as well as investigating various field theory entanglement measures from the perspective of AdS/CFT. Another, much older, approach to studying quantum gravity investigates thermodynamics of black holes by studying Euclidean gravitational path integral. This approach was developed before the discovery of AdS/CFT, but gained many important physical insights from holography. My research also focuses on trying to understand the leading quantum effects on the thermodynamics of near-extremal black holes.